Lab News

12/23 Congratulations Cristian Salazar De Leon on passing your comprehensive exams! Great job.

08/2023 Matt Lemke and Cristian Salazar de Leon gave great talks at the Corteva Showcase at ASPB 2023! Way to go! 🥳

12/2022 Congratulations to David Tano (now Dr. Tano) for successfully defending his PhD thesis! 👏

05/2022 Congratulations Marta Kozłowska for successfully defending her master thesis! 👏

Last updated: 12/15/23

10/2023 Matt Lemke newest publication “A genetic screen for dominant chloroplast reactive oxygen species signaling mutants reveals life stage-specific singlet oxygen-signaling networks” is now on Biorxiv. Check out Publications tab for more info! Great job, Matt!

08/2023 Welcome to the lab! 👋 Alexa Bustamante (Undergraduate Research Assistant) and John Dorlon (Rotation Student).